2Cs & a Bee Membership Logo

Planned Monthly Meeting Locations

Future meeting dates and locations listed here are tentative. They will be updated, with details and directions, in the announcements prior to the meeting. Watch the newsletter (sent to members) and the announcements as the meeting date approaches. Regular Meetings are held on Sundays except as noted below. Workshops are primarily on Saturdays, but vary. This list includes only regular monthly meetings and planned workshops; for our "Introduction to Beekeeping" Classes (typically held in February) and other special events see the announcements.

Regular Monthly Meetings

  • 10 March
    Summit Lodge (#312 Masonic Hall), Ebensburg, Pa.
    Spring Setup
  • 14 April
    Houtzdale Firehall, Houtzdale, Pa.
  • 19 May
    Taddei's, Gallitzin, Pa.
  • 8 June - -changed to 15 June (Saturday) --
    Yellow Bear Apiary (Bernie Svidergol residence), Ebensburg, Pa.
    Field Day
  • 14 July
    Emmett and Joyce Duprey's residence, Winburne, Pa.
    Pests & Varroa Mites
  • 10 August (Saturday)
    Canoe Creek, Hollidaysburg, Pa.
    Annual Auction and Picnic
  • 15 September
    Summit Lodge (#312 Masonic Hall), Ebensburg, Pa.
    Honey Extracting
  • 13 October - changed to 20 October -
    Taddei's Gallitzin, Pa.
    Winter Prep
  • 16 November (Saturday)
    Hoss's Restaurant, Ebensburg, Pa.
    Annual Banquet and Election (Reservations required)
  • 8 December
    Summit Lodge (#312 Masonic Hall), Ebensburg, Pa.
    Christmas Social